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Ingrown toenails

What treatments do we provide?
We provide the 'full' or 'partial' permanent removal of ingrown toenails.
A partial nail removal involves taking a small portion of the offending nail off.
A full nail removal is where the entire nail is permanently removed.
Nail removal for fungal or damaged nails is also provided.

​What does nail surgery involve?
The procedure involves two injections of local anesthetic into the offending toe.
This is to completely numb your toe so you don't feel anything during the procedure.
Then either the side or the entire nail will be removed.
Acid is rubbed into the base of the nail to prevent that part regrowing.
The procedure usually takes around 35 minutes. Healing is usually 4-8 weeks where a small dressing is placed over the toe daily to keep it clean.

Will I be off my feet for long?
You will walk in and walk out of the clinic. Ideally go home and put your feet up for the rest of the day. People return to their normal activities the next day. Caution should be taken to avoid excess pressure to the toe during healing phase. It's best to avoid trauma and excess pressure to the nail bed which can delay healing.
Visit our nail surgery website for more information. Click the link below:
Contact today for an appointment:
Tel: 01792 641967
We are located at:
7 Calvert terrace, Swansea, SA1 6AY
Free parking available
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